It is officially summer vacation here at our house. The last day of school was this past Friday.
I went in for the Awards Chapel, Caleb got 3 awards, one for Bible memory, one for improved work habits and the last one for muscular endurance in PE. His report card was very good, he made honor roll for the quarter and also for his yearly average.
We are looking forward to 2 camping trips( one with kids and one without kids) and of course a week of VBT at Church. We will also be going to a Fishercats Baseball game. Daddy has been trying to get the pool up, but as of tonight it still has a hole somewhere. My cucumber plants are growing and we are excited about the blueberry plants too! Have a great summer!
I didn't know you were an Alice Cooper fan...
I am pretty sure I am not!
How ironic...
Schools out FOREVER...
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