Why is it that January always is the Longest month ever! It seems like it has dragged on and on..
Maybe it's because we have already had a LONG winter with multiple snowstorms! The kids have already used at least 3 snow days (maybe 4 I lost count). We started the year off with a good storm...which caused my Ride to get a boo boo.. on the 2nd I was driving the kids to school and on the way home I was on my road and I met a school bus, I stopped like I am supposed too and I started to go again and Something fell out of the trees and onto the back of my SUV. At first I thought it was just a big bunch of snow falling from the trees.....so I kept going and got home and inspected my car...ummm not just snow...one of the tail lights and half of the back bumper was completely gone! OUCH! My neighbor went by and she told me it was a tree branch that had broken off and fallen down and hit my car!!! Anyways long story short...it had over $1200 damage and is now all better. We enjoyed a Manchester Monarchs hockey game with L-Dubs family....they lost!
I have been keeping in close touch with my Mom (she is back to work just 3 months after a triple by-pass!) My Grandfather has been in the Hospital with blocked arteries in his legs and an infection in his foot, while at the hospital they found that he has an abdominal aortic anyerisym. So he is now in a nursing home recovering from surgery.
L- Dub had his 34th birthday!
Anyways thats all I canthink of right now........looks like Feb. will be just like Dec. and Jan. SNOW >>SNOW>>>SNOW!!!!!!!! Yes we got about 3 inches of snow and slush today with more on the way tomorrow(3-6inches expected)!
Have a great February!!!!!!