I can do all things through Christ who strenghthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Way back when.........

This is a picture of L-Dub and I at Santa's Village in the summer of either 88 or 89. We both worked there at teens and that is where we met almost 20 years ago!!!!!!!!


Mackenzie said...

Ha ha to funny. You haven't changed much but Larry doesn't even look the same. Wow twenty years such a long time. Many more years to you guys.

Trish said...

Thanks Mackenzie! Miss Ya!

EssBee said...

That is so sweet! Thanks for sharing.

Nhmommaof5 said...

Oh wow, I love it!! You're both so cute! And 20 yrs, wow!!!!Yah!!!