This is crazy! We got about 3 inches of wet snow yesterday which turned to rain in the evening, and it rained all night and still has not stopped!! The noon news said we had gotten over 4 inches of rain!!
This morning I got up and checked the TV to make sure there still was school, and there was. I got the boys ready and right before I left, I called the school to make sure school was still in sesssion for the day. It was, so off we went. I crossed water(going over the road) twice on my road and got on Hansonville rd and crossed water 2 more times and then came to ALOT of water going over the road and decided I was NOT driving through that. I turned around and went back to Green Hill and headed over to 125 only crossing water 1 time in that stretch. I went through Gonic and over to Old Dover Rd to Whitehouse Rd.....when I decided I had had enough and turned around to head back home. I went back through Gonic and decided to go home a different way hoping it would be better. I got on route 16 and then off exit 13 and onto 202 which was flooded right by the highway. I drove through the water and headed up 202. I went past a friends house , and their driveway was under water, kept going and had to cross water again that was coming out of Dry Hill Road ( bad name for this rd) and across 202 and down one side very fast moving!! Finally we made it home. (45 minutes later) I got the boys inside and while I was on the phone with Hubby... a huge gust of wind and our grill blew across the deck!! Now this is a big grill with the extra burners and it even had a propane tank attached to it. It was laying on its side so I had to go out to pick it up.....not easy by myself, so I called my oldest boy out to help...he was pretty useless, anyway i pushed and pulled with all my might and got it back up! I pushed my glass and metal table up against it hoping it would stop it from blowing away again. What a day!
It is still raining and the wind is very strong and gusty but hopefully it will settle down soon. I am thankful we still have power a lot of people do not.
Yeah we are literally stuck in our house, James waded through waist deep water to move my car. Its crazy.
I saw! We went for a ride a while ago and went by.
It ends up that Hasonville road which I travel all the time has a huge hole , it is closed and looks like it will be for a while. I have to find a new route to school!
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